National Programs

Fonds d’urgence pour l’appui communautaire

Une bouée de sauvetage en période de pandémie pour les organismes communautaires et les personnes vulnérables qu’ils servent.

United Way Centraides are part of the fabric of the communities they serve. Each one has an intimate knowledge of local issues and service networks, making them invaluable resources for people experiencing vulnerability.
Recognizing the value of this expertise, the Government of Canada selected United Way Centraide Canada as one of three organizations trusted to deliver the $350 million Emergency Community Support Fund in 2020–2021.

Through this special fund, which was designed as a rapid response measure to support people and communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, community service organizations received a total of $136 million from United Way Centraides to deliver critical programs and services.
The most frequently funded service categories were social inclusion and learning, mental health and wellness, and food security.

Impact: Essential Support Sustained

$136 million



average grant


projects funded


projects delivered by community partners new to the United Way Centraide network

Primary Populations Served

People with low income or living in poverty
Children and youth aged 0-18
Youth aged 19-29
Seniors and elders not in care
People living with mental illness

Organizations Supported

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